Get to know us
Murali Mohan Maharaj, our founder acharya, has been preaching the message of Krishna Consciousness throughout the world for more than 40 years. He is an author of more than 45 books, vast array of mind-blowing paintings and a spiritual teacher, true guru leading his disciples by example.
Murali Mohan’s colorful and inspiring paintings do not leave hearts of the people untouched, opening to them the windows to the spiritual world. Leading a life of a renounced monk, he spends all his income on serving Krishna. He owns nothing and does not depend on anything. Living only by preaching of the holy names, he devoted himself entirely to the Lotus feet of our Lord. Relentlessly leading an army of devotees, he brings them home to God.
Millions of lives, the soul travels from one planet to another, from one form to another, until it encounters a sadh guru, receives the seed of bhakti (bhakti-lata-bija) and the chance to return to Krishna. Murali Mohan Das pays deferential bows to his diksha guru Om Vishnupada Paramahamsa Parivrajakacharya Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaj, the entire guru-varga (the previous Acharyas of Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya Sampradaya), as well as all Vaishnavas sincerely devoted to Krishna, who inspire us to pure devotional service.
Preacher, writer, artist – he made a lasting impression on millions of people with whom he met on his life path. He spoke to everyone about Krishna and inspired thousands to devotional service. Many academics, scholars and powerful people became interested in Vedic philosophy through the persuasive preaching of Murali Mohan Maharaj.
According to a rough estimate, he preached in one hundred cities of the vast Soviet empire. He printed and distributed the first books of Srila Prabhupada back in times of socialism stagnation, when such distribution did not bring any income, on the contrary – it was punishable as an ideological crime, along with espionage and involvement with the CIA.
He was fearless and fully devoted to Krishna, and Krishna protected Mama Thakur. By the special mercy of Krishna, the mercy of Srila Prabhupada.
He made a painting for the wall of the Hare Krishna Temple in Brooklyn: the panel “Sankirtana Leela”. In the spring of 1994, his first exhibition was held in New York. In 1995, he painted several monumental panels for the ISKCON temple in Chicago. In 1997, he registered “Sankirtana Corporation” which is an educational organization dedicated to spreading Lord Chaitanya’s teaching throughout the world.

Our mission
At present our society is yearning for a spiritual rejuvenation. Our fundamental vision is to offer the science of Hare Krishna maha mantra to every human being – a science that helps a person realize that he is not this body, that he is a soul and he can stop this cycle of birth, old age, disease, and death, and safely return home, to the spiritual world, to Krishna. From this vision stem a vast array of our projects and programs both in Russia and US, all towards the same goal: to plant a seed of bhakti in every human being, so that they stop suffering in this material world and become Krishna-conscious, exuberant, and in harmony within themselves and the world.
Our vision
We want to live in a world where people can be happy and not suffering, where their lives match their true needs rather than having to find a compromise and settle on the second-best option. That's why we take a lot of time and care in getting to know those people who reach out to us and ask for our help.

Transcendental paintings by Murali Mohan Maharaj. Enjoy a glance into the spiritual world...
Our team
Our strength lies in our individuality and common goal. Set up by Guru Maharaj, the team strives to use all our abilities in the devotional service to Krishna and spread the knowledge about Krishna Consciousness all over the world to help conditioned souls find relief from suffering of the material world.

Sri Srimad Murali Mohan Maharaj
Founder / Acharya

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(917) 613-9593
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